About the Project

It's something of a sad day when any tree has to be cut down. So often, they are incredibly beautiful things fulfilling one of the most important functions on our planet.
And yet for most of us who live in a populated environment, the tree - which has often stood there since long before we were born - just disappears in a day or two. Nothing much is left, except a conspicuous space.
It was the prospect of this sudden absence that has prompted the Twt Beech project.
Ewart Schofield of ESA Treecare in Cowbridge, South Wales (UK) decided we should explore ways to describe and explore the afterlife of one very special tree, a large beech located in Twt Park that is soon to be felled. It's estimated to have been planted in 1770 and now needs removal due to internal fungal growth that has weakened the tree and made it potentially dangerous.
The tree has occupied a central location and part in the community for well over 200 years, and the aim of the project is to bring that community - as well as a broader community of artists and artisans across Wales - together in its memory and legacy.
It's to the afterlife of the tree that this project and website are dedicated. It's hoped that this will happen through:
bringing together memories, pictures, writing and community events relating to the tree;
the production of artefacts and artworks using the wood from the tree.
Please use the 'Call for Contributions' link above if you'd like to participate!
Chris Short and Ewart Schofield, January 2018
This project has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.